Open Access
Developing a Machine Intelligence Quotient (MIQ) for evaluating autonomous vehicle intelligence: a conceptual framework
1 Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Laboratory, School of Mechatronic Systems Engineering, Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC V3T 0A3, Canada
2 DyMo Technology Corp, Vancouver Canada

This paper presents a methodology to quantify the Machine Intelligence Quotient (MIQ) for autonomous cars. MIQ integrates multi-dimensional categories—Physical, Cognitive, and Functionality Intelligence attributes—to evaluate vehicle intelligence in a comprehensive manner. By focusing on the harmony of these facets with human cognitive and decision-making processes, MIQ provides a transformative approach to understanding and enhancing autonomous vehicle technology. This framework not only offers an empirical method for intelligence assessment but also sets a visionary benchmark, advocating for advancements that parallel human-like intelligence in future autonomous systems.


autonomous vehicle intelligence; Machine Intelligence Quotient (MIQ); cognitive computing in vehicles; Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS); intelligent vehicle systems; human-centric vehicle technology

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